Roasted Garlic and Red Pepper Soup


The Boy Can Cook


Being ill is not fun, but unfortunately everyone catches a cold at some time or another. Some people are rather good at being ill – they can shrug their poorly symptoms to one side, using sheer mental brawn to put a halt to their coughing, sneezing and sniffling in an heroic display of perseverance.

I am not one of these people.

Quite the opposite, in fact. I must admit that at the first sign of a sore throat or stuffy sinus, I raid my wardrobe to pull on every wooly jumper I’ve ever owned and retreat to my bed to curl up and feel infinitely sorry for myself in what is a rather pathetic display of defeatism.

I was faced with such adversity just the other week when I woke up one morning and began noticing those familiar signs… The scratchy throat, the aching neck, the fuzzy head. I had caught…

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MGTOW Narcissistic Males Repackaged


Narcissistic Psychopathic Males have found a new way to con unsuspecting females called MGTOW by trying to scare females into believing that female freedom is causing them to mistreat females or not be interested in marriage & family any longer when in reality these guys were never ever for female rights or equality and have abused their former spouses and former girlfriends! Narcissistic Males are repackaging their abusive agenda as MGTOW to lure women and girls and to get their sympathy or to threaten them when they don’t accept their opinions as their own. BEWARE LADIES these are the wimpy bullies that women have rejected and now that they have been exposed they are rebranding themselves & have decided to use a different type of image but it’s the same old nasty shit as before. These Sexist Narcissists are dangerous to all females if they dare trust these guys for a minute! Run do not walk away from these psychopaths and ladies we all know that guys who actually love females are not falling for the bullshit & we also know that real men don’t label themselves as Alpha males & all other guys as Betas when there is no such thing only in some species of animals but not all of them and the great males don’t bully other people in general. These abusive Narcissists desperately fear female independence, the right to choose & female equality because they are users and abusers who want a slave not a real female so be very aware of what this game is all about k? Yea some females do mistreat guys but that is certainly not the majority and these bullies couldn’t have dated all of us to make such a nasty judgement call against a whole gender & group of people who are half of the population!! Be careful ladies! It’s the same narcissistic abusive guys with a new package to fool those who don’t suspect!

#WGTOW #Freedom

A Narcissist confounds and confuses our thoughts and make us feel wrong for something we didn’t even do – the blame and shame diversion that manages a victim down to feel wrong and worthless and over time erodes their reality!


After Narcissistic Abuse

From my Book – From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist! @

There are many ways that a Narcissist will confound or confuse your thought processes, isolate you, and hold you prisoner without that Narcissist even being in your presence. The Narcissist creates negative messages that trap us in our own heads. Be it raging, accusing, silencing, and distancing themselves from you for days, accusing or whatever they decide to throw your way. All of these methods are hideous forms of abuse to debilitate you/us and make you conform to their rules. They bait us with an argument or accusations, this escalates usually with the Narcissist taking it to a higher level of dysfunction, we are left dumbfounded with their hit and run message, and then they go into the punishment mode by running off or silencing us and we are left in shock or…

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If it wasn’t for double standards a Narcissist would have NO standards at all! Everything in their world is a ‘bad con’ so one day they will be preaching about morality and the next day they will be acting out in the direct opposite manner to fulfill their immoral lifestyle which defines WHO THEY REALLY ARE. What they say and what they actually do is always dependent on what serves them at any particular moment!


After Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissists are unable to put themselves into the place of another person as far as understanding what harm they are causing them or how hypocritical they are as it concerns what they say and what they actually do. This is because a Narcissist is totally lacking empathy, but they pretend to be the most caring, loving, moralistic, and emotionally sound person in the world and perhaps the universe because it serves them – unfortunately that is a facde and THEIR delusions. Narcissists act in very cold and cruel ways towards those who are closest to them. A Narcissist acts sadistic in the fullest meaning of the word, being cold and insensitive towards the pain of others. Narcissists simply avoid accessing any mental “tools” that would personally blame THEM and just deny their behavior is causing great pain, anxiety and depression to the people who are closest to them. They justify…

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Intuition – that voice that we heard in our heads but never acknowledged as fully as we should have and WHY?

spot on!

After Narcissistic Abuse

PhotoFunia Motivator Regular 2015-06-11 04 33 53

Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

I became so discombobulated in this abstract and distorted world with my Narcissist because I had no real sense that I was with a personality disordered individual – targets/victims never do. This all didn’t happen overnight, it was post ‘love bombing’ so I totally missed the biggest part of the manipulation or the fake love BECAUSE that was the seamless trap a Narcissist uses. So after the trap was set and I was caught up in the vast array of the positive loving manipulations (love bombing) I just traveled down the normal road of creating and growing in a relationship with what I believed was a ‘normal,’ loving and deserving person. I know that it is relevant to say that there were these ‘red flags’ waving all along but I have to say they were not as bright and red as so many…

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Narcissists are a one-way street to ABUSE and a dead-end!


After Narcissistic Abuse

OK – so let’s examine the personal aspects of what happened to all of us so anyone that HASN’T BEEN abused can embrace the truth a little better and see this abuse for EXACTLY what it was and is. If and when that Narcissist did something nice, it was always instrumental or a means to an end and part of his/her con job, that artificial/good image, charm, or façade – and mostly seen in public. So, let’s use the Dr. Jekyll and Mr./Ms. Hyde explanation. Dr. Jekyll (the Monster) is in fact is always Mr./Ms. Hyde on the inside or that abusive Narcissist or monster. Mr./Ms. Hyde is the ‘good’ facade that hides and protects the monster that most all people only ever see.

WE are quite capable of love, bonding, and EMPATHY – BUT they aren’t! What have we fallen in love with, friended, or been dealing with if…

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